How To Protect a Wrought Iron Fence
In: Design and Build0

A wrought iron fence can be a beautiful addition to your yard or garden, but it needs to be taken care of. A little maintenance now will make for a long-lasting fence you can enjoy for years. Read on to learn how to protect your wrought iron fence.

1. Clean Your Wrought Iron Fence

Clean the fence regularly. Any dirt or grime allowed to build-up can cause rust to develop. It will damage the fence and cause it to look unattractive. You can use a garden hose and spray nozzle or a bucket of warm water with a bit of dish soap to clean your wrought iron fence. Add some mild detergent if you have built up grime or mold.

2. Protect from the Elements

If you live in a rust prone area, you may have to coat your wrought iron fence with a rust-resistant finish. It can be applied with a brush or sprayer, and it seals the metal against moisture. Be aware not all wrought iron fences can be coated, though. It is best to check with the manufacturer before applying any products to your fence.

3. Repair Damaged Sections

Wrought iron fences will eventually rust or corrode in places. If a section has been damaged or rusted through, you need to repair it. You can use any sealant or nail to fasten the section of the fence back together. Some sections may have their rivets, and you may find this easier to fix than trying to patch with sealant or nails. You can fill any small holes with a matching nail or use PVC cement to seal large holes. You can use paver stone filler to fill any gaps and cracks in the fence.

4. Check for Level

A slightly warped fence is not noticeable, but a nasty bend will be pronounced. A level, flat fence will be more attractive, and all of the panels should match up perfectly from top to bottom. You can use a laser level to check and ensure your fence is level. If it is not, you can use bracing pieces to brace the outer edge of the metal. Doylestown fence contractors can help you with any repair or structural issues.


A well-maintained wrought iron fence will be functional, attractive, and long-lasting. It will also stand the test of time. Warrington fencing companies can install wrought iron fences and offer advice on protecting your fence as well. If you have questions, they can help you make the necessary decisions.