Protect Your Family With These Fence Safety Tips
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When protecting your family, it’s important to keep fences in mind. A fence can enclose a pool to prevent accidental drownings. They can keep children in the yard and provide a wealth of privacy so the entire family can enjoy an outdoor living space in peace. However, there are a few things you need to remember when installing a fence to make sure that your family is fully protected.

Ensure Fences Completely Surround Pools & Ponds

It’s common for families with ponds to leave part of the area open and only fence off the portion of the pond towards the house or where children commonly play. It is also common for families to leave a gap in the fence instead of installing a gate for convenience. While these options are cheaper and may be more convenient, they can also be dangerous. Children can easily walk around a fence and accidentally fall into the water. Contact us for more information on pool fencing in New Britain, PA.

Make Sure Children Can’t Climb Fences

Picket fences are cozy, but they often have plenty of places for little ones to put their hands and feet to climb over them. Likewise, children could quickly scale a four-foot-tall chainlink fence. Instead, ensure your children are safe by opting for fence panels. When working with an expert on fence installation in Jamison, PA, discuss how tall the fence should be to protect your little ones.

Make Sure The Gate Is Secure

Ensuring that a fence keeps your children and pets secure is critical, but don’t forget the gate. If dogs or children can easily push open a gate, it’s essential to take the time to work with a fence installation expert to get a gate that locks. Some gates come with a locking mechanism on them while others don’t. Consider what type of gate and locking mechanism is best for your family before deciding. 

Consider The Purpose Of Your Fence

Every fence is not going to satisfy every homeowner. Before picking out a fence, determine the purpose of the fence. You’ll also want to consider the future. For example, if your goal is to keep children away from the pool, the fence should completely enclose the pool and have a gate that allows you to put a padlock on it. You’ll also want to keep height in mind because children never seem to stop growing. However, a shorter fence with a basic latch will suffice if you want to keep a small dog inside the yard. Before calling the experts, take the time to determine what you want in a fence.

Having a hard time deciding which fence is right to meet your needs? We can help. Contact us to discuss your needs today!