fences for pets and family
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Using the Right Fence for Your Family

Whether you have children or pets, you can be sure that they’re a lot safer in a yard that has a fence. With so many different fence options out there, which is the best one for your family members? At Hilltop Farm & Fence, we’re devoted to keeping family’s safe with our attractive fences. Here are a few fence ideas that you might want to consider to keep your family safe.

1. Safe Fences for Children

For families with children, you’ll have to combat their natural curiosity. Certain fence designs involve slats or gaps between the posts. This can be dangerous for children because it can inspire their curiosity to check out what’s on the other side of the fence. Doing so can get them stuck in the fence or make them somehow injure themselves on it.

You’ll also want to avoid chain-link fences. While these fences are affordable and can keep children inside, they’re also climbable. Your children might rise to the challenge of attempting to climb over the fence. Metal fences can also hurt your children if they run into it while playing.

The best kind of fence for children is a wooden or vinyl fence without any gaps. You’ll want a smooth surface that they can’t climb on or become stick between. Privacy fences, in particular, are great for children. They keep your kids safely inside of the yard while also ensuring strangers don’t watch them from outside the fence.

2. Safe Fences for Pets

For families with pets, you also have to be concerned with fences with gaps. Some pets can squeeze between the posts and escape. Again, chain-link fences should also be avoided. Some pets are smart enough to stick their paws into the loops and climb or jump over the fence.

Similar to children, you’ll want to use a fence that is smooth. It can be made of metal, vinyl, or even wood. It just needs to be a smooth surface without any gaps. It also needs to be tall enough that the pet can’t jump over it.

In this regard, a privacy fence is also ideal. Its posts are placed together to avoid gaps, and they’re generally tall enough to keep dogs from jumping over them. They’re also smooth, so dogs and cats can’t use them to climb over.

Get Started Planning Your Fence

For the safety of your family, a privacy fence made of wood or vinyl is the best option. It keeps them safely in the yard without allowing them to climb out. Contact our team today to get started with planning your fencing in Hatfield. Together, we’ll make sure your yard is a safe place.