pool fencing services in Bucks County
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Why You Need To Get A Fence Put Around Your Pool

A swimming pool is a fun addition to any home. As a pool owner, you have a fun spot where you can gather with your family and friends and have a good time. However, it’s crucial to enforce proper safety regulations when you own a pool. You can contact us to learn more about our pool fencing services in Bucks County and other parts of the area.

Why Pools Need Fencing

1. Swimming pools are inherently dangerous

Having a pool inside your compound comes with its natural dangers. However, installing protection layers reduces the risks involved with having a pool. One of the primary methods of ensuring that your pool is safe is by having it fenced. A properly installed fence surrounding the pool complete with a gate would limit pool access to adults only. This ensures that no unsupervised children access the pool.

2. There are legal risks involved with owning a pool

As a pool owner, you are liable for all accidents happening in your pool. As earlier mentioned, pools are inherently dangerous, and this makes you subject to liability lawsuits. In case a guest or an uninvited guest drowns or gets injured in your pool, you risk being sued. However, having safety precautions such as a fence around your pool protects you from liability lawsuits.

3. Pennsylvania state pool laws

In the state of Pennsylvania, there are pool laws enacted to protect the family, friends, and neighbors from accidents happening around the pool. In 2004, a law was passed, introducing the state-wide building code affecting all private pools. According to the building code, all private pools (in-ground or above ground) must have a fence on all sides at least 48 inches high.

4. Provides peace of mind

Pool fences are especially helpful to pool owners with toddlers. If you have ever been around toddlers, then you have noticed how quick and fearless they are. This is what makes pool safety very important. It only takes a few minutes for a child to drown. Before you realize they have left your side, it could be too late. However, with a fenced pool, this risk is significantly reduced. A well-installed pool fence gives you the peace of mind that you need. You can rest easy knowing that your child is in no danger of any pool-related accidents.

There are many reasons why installing a fence around your pool is a good idea. It’s necessary for all homeowners to have a fence around their in-ground or above ground pool to provide protection and security. If you’re interested in pool fence installation services in Montgomeryville, PA, contact Hilltop Farm &Fence to get the job done!